Lauren´s Testimonial from the February 2016 Course

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How would you describe the course in one sentence?

“Reclaiming Thunder was like finding the home and community I was searching for and didn´t even know that I was searching for.”

What was your biggest challenge?

“The sweat after the mini vision quest that we did in this course. It was not only the heat that was intense, but the release of attachments was a painfully liberating experience. At one point I was tempted to leave the sweat, but Donny put his foot down and rightfully so- he knew I could make it, and eventually so did I.

And after that experience many veils lifted. That sweat was the most powerful one I have ever been part of. I thought I was dying, and to some aspect I was. A part of me was reborn that day in the sweatlodge.

Our “Mini Vision Quest” consisted of 24 hours of fasting, praying, and connecting in the Nicaraguan jungle. Insights about self-love and self-care were palpable. While isolated in my protective circle of tobacco under the tropical sun, water was very much on my mind. Multiple times I thought of getting up and breaking the fast-even a sip seemed like a sort of heaven. Every time a thought like that popped up so did a dragonfly. For a few hours that dragonfly flew around my head, landing on a leaf beside my head each time I was tempted to sip some water.

Dragonflies are born in and live near water sources. When mating, some species will latch on to one another and fall to the ground. If they are not finished mating, they will fall to the ground. To me, this represented the ultimate sacrifice of unconditional love, where death is welcomed over failure to procreate.

Unconditional love (for myself) was a large theme for me throughout that course. Sitting there with my dragonfly friend I began to remember the times I have denied myself a basic need, not wanting to cause trouble of not feeling worthy of it. Eventually, I got up and got some water- it was finally time for me to treat myself with unconditional love and respect, something I denied myself for too long.

What was the thing that surprised you the most?

“In general, many people get well in ceremonies by purging, or vomiting. I get well by crying; somehow the urge to purge bypasses my stomach and would come out of my eyes. During that first ceremony (which was also on Donny’s birthday) I cried for the majority of the night. I cried so much, and didn´t even know where that much liquid was coming from! “

Would you recommend and if, why would you recommend the course?

“Yes I would and I would add that this is not a retreat to relax, where you are spending your money on a spa or something…come prepared to dig into spirit, come ready to dig deep.” 

Would you recommend and if, why would you recommend the course?

“In this world there is so much information and at the same time a blockage in transparency. It was wonderful to be around a community that brings those topics to the surface, that tries to look through the veil. By behaving, questioning, and speaking with integrity we can come to a place of transparency within ourselves.

I have to add how awesome Donnie is. He is such a wealth of wisdom, of how to take off the rose-colored glasses and adjust your eyes to the reality before you.

There are a lot of people involved in the pop culture of spirituality, but his knowledge is passed down from elders. It´s something that he has worked for. What he teaches is not the type of pop-karmic wisdom, the YES I KNOW-because my spirit body knows. Donnie dug and continues to dig deep into the true nature of authenticity and integrity.

It was an opportunity to pause, to acknowledge and really listen and engage appropriately with the knowledge available. He helped me to identify my programming, to sift through the BS. He empowers you to empower yourself.”

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