Scott´s Testimonial from the February 2016 Course

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How would you describe the course in one sentence?

“Well it’s an opportunity to experience a very authentic transition of real knowledge that is experienced on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.”

What was your biggest challenge?

“That my whole life turned upside down and got redefined and set in a new direction. What was difficult for me on the first day was connecting with the other people, I thought these are not the right people”

What was the thing that surprised you the most?

“The fact that these connections, which were difficult on the first day of the course turned into friendships and until today are very strong. And these people that I met in this course are very close and foremost people that I really want to be the closest.

And the stories of Donnie, I know him for over 20 years and until today I learn from his stories, because every time it is a different experience, I am in a different point of my life, I discover a different aspect of his teachings.

But also because his stories are told stories, they adapt and change slightly, they are never told the same way twice and that’s the beauty, you don´t get that experience from a written story which somebody just reads from a paper.

And the same way I think about the Reclaiming Thunder Course, if you attend the course in a different year you still would learn something new and different.”

Would you recommend and if, why would you recommend the course?

“Definitely it´s the relevance of the material, that is important to the human history right now. Haha and because the spiritual growth market has been flooded with nicely packaged new age propaganda and this is not a workshop where you are sitting all day watching power point presentations and take notes. It´s hands on and you also have to suffer at some point, like in the sweatlodge.”

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